NEXT MARKET: every second Saturday of the month, except January.
Somerville Saturday Market is a ministry of St Andrew’s enabling people in the community to connect, meet others, find a bargain, and encourage creative locals to share their produce at a stall. It also helps with resourcing our church life. It’s been running since 1993.
In the church grounds, 2 Eramosa Road West, Somerville (opposite the Somerville Hotel), adjacent to the ra
ilway crossing.
When? On the SECOND Saturday of each month (except January), from 8.00 am to 12:30 pm.
- Come along and grab a bargain
- Take browse through the many and varied stalls
- Bring a friend
- Sausage Sizzle
- Coffee, tea and cheese toasties
- Live music
- Books, plants, household items, cards, cakes, Bric-a-Brac
- Our op shop, on site, is also open
- Free parking
Information for stall holders . . .
Booking a stall: Phone Graeme (picture above) on 5977 6980 or leave a message at the church office, phone 5977 8838. Full vaccination required.
Stalls: Most are located on the grass area outside beside the hall, with some inside the hall (but these are mostly allocated to regular stallholders — vacancies may sometimes occur).
Cost: $15.00, which includes liability insurance. An extra $5 if table required.
Stall dimensions: Stall sites are about 4 metres wide with room for your car behind your selling area. There is some flexibility most months but space is limited at the October, November and December markets because of high demand.
Morning tea for stallholders is provided by the church ladies.
Oct/Nov/Dec – stall bookings essential as space is limited.
Toilets are available on site